A few days ago, my professor assigned me to write essay samples about home, travel, and tradition. The good thing is I only have to submit one per week. So, for this week, I decided to write about home and below is my first try. Read it and share your comments about it. 
There is no place like home. Everyone feels comfortable and secure once they are at home.

At home, you can do all the things that you want- watch TV, listen to the radio, play your favorite games, cook delicious food, sleep the whole day, etc.

Everybody wants to have a house or home of his own. Some dream of a big house or a mansion. Some people just want an average style of house. But did you know that there are some people who are already contented with a small house (literally small)?

Following are the photos of the 10 smallest houses in the world. Look closely at the pictures and see it for real.

Toronto's Little House

Twelve Cubed Mini Home

Paul Elkin's Shelter

Tumbleweed House

Rollit Homes

Smallest House in Great Britain

Micro Compact Home

It does not actually really matter if your house is small or big; what matters most is the love in the family that can make a happy home.